When Christmas is over…

…whatcha gonna do with that LIVE TREE?! I’m fortunate to live in Plano, Texas, a city that offers a recycling program not only for live trees, garlands & wreaths, but also for those holiday lights that no longer work (did bunnies chew your cords, too? ugh!) Here is the info for our city’s 2018 recycling…

Healthy Eating = Healthy Environment

Now that it’s the beginning of the year I thought it apropos to combine our healthy eating goals with creating healthy environmental habits. Per Newsweek: “Saving the planet…might be a little easier than expected. It could be as simple as eating a healthier diet.” Here are some simple points to consider: When able, purchase locally grown produce. This…

The Holidays are Here; Share the Love, Not the Waste

Each year, when the holidays roll in, we seem shocked, “I can’t believe it’s here already!”  This year, before you step out to shop, attend parties or prepare for the family’s invasion, make a plan to Watch Your Waste. Did you know: It is estimated that in the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve,…

This post says it all…

As I sit here with my reusable, stainless steel water glass and bamboo straw (www.brushwithbamboo.com), I’m also noticing that I have these convenient little “to-go” size supplements & snack bars – which, of course, are in plastic bags. I have become soooo conscience at the store lately (to my family’s dismay) with pointing out little ways…

Wanna Go Plastic Free? Start Here, Start Now…

If you haven’t heard of “Plastic Free July”, then you are missing out on an eye-opening challenge. An organization out of Australia started a campaign to bring attention to just how much single-use plastic we each use on a daily basis and that campaign caught my attention. I started July 2016 and, although I was already using…

Lunchtime – make it sustainable, too

Something as simple as changing how you have lunch 3-4 times per week can make a huge impact on our planet. “According to RecycleWorks, a program of San Mateo County, disposal lunches can generate between 4-8 ounces of garbage every day, totaling up to nearly 100 pounds of waste per year – and that’s just for…

Spring Cleaning? Remember the 3 Rs!

Flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, days are longer & warmer and we’re coming out of hibernation. Who cares if allergies are on high alert…it’s time to kick up the dust and start cleaning out the cobwebs! Garages, patios, closets – it’s time to clean it all out! As we come out of hibernation, though, and…

I almost did it…

I went shopping the other day & forgot my shopping bags and I almost did it. I almost asked for plastic. Not sure what was going on, but for a few moments I just felt…defeated. Or deflated. Or frustrated. Maybe all of these things, but whatever it was I felt like it didn’t matter anymore….

Holiday Killer

So as I was talking to my 14 year old daughter about this week’s blog topic I said, “I’m going to talk about all the unnecessary plastic waste that comes with Easter”, she simply says, “Holiday Killer”. My first reaction was a mature “na-uh”! She rolled her eyes and said something about me killing the holiday…

Saving the World, a mattress at a time

picture via pinterest In our family, there a lots of decisions we make on a daily basis that are controlled by our desire to be environmentally friendly. Our most recent BIG decision to make regarding our environmental concerns: mattress shopping. I know, “Really? That’s your BIG decision? Can’t you come up with something a little…

One Planet – No do-over

It’s happening – I’m writing. Boy, it’s taken a long time for me to get here. I procrastinate. I don’t just put off until tomorrow, I mean I’ve been building to this very moment for months! I’ve read & listened to so many great, inspiring “doers”, but kept putting off my own “doing”. I’ve been one…